Children of the Most High God, it is time for you to activate your Kingdom vision. Some have decided to wait to begin. Some are starting the journey into victory now, because they understand that every moment counts in their Kingdom mandate given to them from God.
If you are experiencing lag and delays in activating your God-given vision, could it be that you have not taken time to understand it?
For example, these are some questions that you may ask yourself:
What will you do?
How will you discern the time and season to begin?
Where will you start it?
Who will play a role in it with you?
What will it take to make it happen?
These are things that can do without difficulty and complete with 7 easy and simple steps in 21 days and with prayer:
Day 1 through 7: Immediately take a look at your current schedule. Write down what you are doing daily for 7 days and see if your time is over occupied with things that do not promote your Kingdom vision. Are there negative habits that can be replaced with positive habits that promote the Kingdom of God vision given you? What do you see to be constant hindrances, limitations and obstacles that do not promote your vision?
Day 8: Reschedule and realign to God's will for your life. Write down your new schedule and consider all of the obstacles, limitations, and hindrances that will prevent you from moving forward successfully in accomplishing your Kingdom vision. Include at least 1 hour per day to work on your vision. Most of all, make sure you incorporate your time to spend with God, reading the Holy Bible, and prayer.
Day 9 through 11: Write down what your Kingdom vision is. As you continue to pray and seek the Lord for understanding for His Kingdom vision, He will guide you into what His expected outcome should be for His vision. Spend at least one hour each day writing. The more you pray and write, the clearer and concise your vision will be. Be sure to consider Who, When, Where, How, and What you will be doing for His vision. Think about how much it will cost. Talk to God about discovering a way for financing your vision. This will help you to discover your mission and how what you will be doing will add value to God's will according to His Word. You will also find the uniqueness and peculiarity of your Kingdom vision. Reflect on how your vision is aligned with the Holy Bible and the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Reflect on historical moments of what others have done in the past (the good, bad, and successes). Perform as much research that is needed to include relevant facts that are applicable.
Day 12 through 17: Write down a plan for your Kingdom vision. Planning will keep to your success in maximizing your potential to achieve God's expected outcome and impact. Your plan should include your vision, Mission, and Added Value Statement. Your plan should project for the future and now. You should detail your plan instead of making it high level (broad). This will help you to avoid risk, obstacles, and hindrances in the future.
Day 18-19: Rehearse and Rewrite your Kingdom vision. Make sure it is plain enough for someone else to read it and understand it. Make sure you can place it in someone's hand as a baby and they will be able to nurture and feed it in the future and to all of your generations to come. You may want to share it with a confidential God fearing coach or mentor to ensure you are headed in the right direction, and also they can encourage and hold you accountable to achieve your Kingdom vision. Establish timelines, weekly schedules to accomplish the implementation of the vision, consider your possible team, and structure.
Day 20: Start Acting on your Kingdom vision. Move on your vision by implementing your steps based on the timelines you define. This requires focus and understanding God's seasons and times in your strategic plan you developed. Check off what you have completed until the end.
Day 21: Give God all the Praise and Honor. If you have followed these steps and started experiencing transformation, you will see the need to glorify your heavenly Abba Father daily. For it is He who has empowered and equipped you to run the race.
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